A lot of us want to be successful. A lot of us want to achieve a goal in our lives. But how do we know we will succeed? Unfortunately, not all of us achieve these goals for one or another reason. When we do not achieve our goals we feel like failures. In order for us to reach our goals or to make our dreams come true, we need to cultivate in ourselves the following 10 traits and habits, that will help us ensure that we will succeed in our endeavours
1. Self-Love
Loving yourself means that you do accept yourself fully, with all your flaws and positive traits. When we love ourselves and we want to do something in our lives we do not care about others’ opinions. We simply concentrate on learning and developing the skills we want. When we love ourselves we give ourselves the time we need to learn and develop. We have got more compassion for ourselves and that prevents us from unnecessary burnout. This helps us to succeed.
2. Self-Motivation
When we are self-motivated we do not need anyone to push us into action, nor do we need anyone to hold us accountable. We do that on our own. We take action and we learn from it. We hold ourselves accountable for our mistakes and we find ways to improve. Self-motivation is a fantastic driving tool toward our success. We cannot move forward if we cannot motivate ourselves about doing whatever needs to be done.

3. Perspective
You can see others’ perspectives and you do respect them. This is very important because it gives you some blind spots, you did not know you had. Hearing others’ perspectives can give us ideas on improving or making the whole process easier and quicker. It is not possible to move forward without listening to others’ perspectives
4. Resourcefulness
When you run into a roadblock, you find ways to overcome it mostly on your own. Different challenges require different ways of thinking as to how to overcome them. This is always helpful because it sparks our creativity and solution-finding. The more solutions we find on our own, the more our confidence in ourselves grows. The more our confidence grows, the more assured we are that we will succeed.
5. Mistakes
You know, you will make mistakes and you are OK with that. You know these mistakes show you what you need to learn and that helps you to grow and improve. Mistakes are necessary and important part of life. Just like in martial arts, one is taught how to fall first, mistakes show us how when we lose to stand up, brush up and see where we need to readjust.
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”
― Albert Einstein
6. Being able to receive criticism
Not everyone will be supportive. Actually, some people will tell you that you will fail, that it is too hard. But at the same time, some people will criticize your work but you should take notes because actually, they are showing how to improve it. Through continuous improvement, we drive success closer to us.
7. Being able to dream
The world belongs to those who dream. The bigger the dreams the better. When we dream it just means that there is something in us that we suppose to create. Creating is a powerful process. A lot of brilliant ideas come under the shower or when we daydream, not when we brainstorm. The reason for that is that we cannot find a solution with the same thinking that created the problem. Through dreams, we can find solutions and that definitely means that we can succeed.

8. Not blaming others
You should not blame others for anything but acknowledge that the decision to follow their advice is yours. Taking on that responsibility and ownership is huge. This takes you from the victim state into a more empowered state of mind. Taking ownership of your life, your decisions, and your actions is extremely powerful. Powerful people succeed.
9. Being brave
To be successful means that you have to explore new limits within yourself and take different leaps of faith. If we look a bit deeper into it we will see that even trying new food is a leap of faith. In that case, why are we so afraid to take risks? I am talking about taking a risk, when the outcome is definitely undesirable but sometimes our own, unfounded, fears stop us from raising our voice, going after something no one in our family has done or even giving a new venture a go. Of course, careful research should be done but some uncertainty is definitely healthy.

10. Not being jealous of other successful people
Jealousy is something that keeps us stuck. Jealousy sucks. I am serious. When we are jealous all our energy is channeled into it and there is barely any left for us to focus on what we really want and work on it. When we are jealous we feel small and undeserving. This is not healthy for us at all. We should focus on what we want and look at those, successful people, and what they have done. The purpose of this exercise is for us to find our way quicker with fewer possible mistakes along the way. At the end of the day, we cannot reinvent the wheel but we can definitely put our own unique spin on it.
“You never fail until you stop trying.”
― Albert Einstein
If you need help strengthening one or more of these traits book your session with me