The Law Of Attraction is one of the most used and abused laws in social media. It is one of the laws that govern the Universe. Does it work? Of course, it does. But just like everything else in life, we need to understand how it works.
I have seen a hell of a lot of YouTube videos, where people talk about manifesting amazing things and events in their life. But is it all true or the videos have been made simply as a money-making machine? From their videos, we hear that their life has changed dramatically overnight. But is this possible? I doubt it. The chances of one’s life-changing overnight are slim to none. Simply look at how many lottery winners have lost their wins over a short 5-year time period.
The Law Of Attraction works, and I am proof of that but at the same time, I want to give the 3 major misconceptions I have come across. These misconceptions are really common. The majority of those, who blame The Law Of Attraction doesn’t work, have them.
But without wasting any time, let me tell you about these misconceptions:

I don’t have to change anything but dream
This is one of the biggest misconceptions about The Law Of Attraction. It is perfectly normal to want big things. It is perfectly normal to dream big. But if you are living with a small mindset, if you see only what you DO NOT have, you will never make these dreams a reality.
Why is that?
As long as we are consumed by our perceived limitations, by what others have and we do not, we are living in a victim mindset. What is a victim mindset? This is the mindset that we depend on others. We expect someone else always to help us and make our life better. Our happiness depends on how others think of us. The actions we take are always connected to making other people happy. We see ourselves as weak and insignificant. And The Law of Attractions shows us yet more proof that we are unimportant.
We begin dreaming of having a lot of money, a big house, a fast brand-new car, and a beautiful lover. And that is fine, but the issue is that we do not ask ourselves WHY we want these things and people in our lives. If we look deep inside we will find out that our needs of being seen, being heard, feeling free, and feeling loved are not fulfilled. So we feel miserable and we think that acquiring these possessions will make us feel better. And yes, they will make us feel better for a month or six, and after that, we will go back to our previous, well-familiar state when we feel miserable.
It is inevitable.
The remedy for that is to find our purpose, work on our purpose and cultivate our self-love. Once we start living on purpose, we begin to take inspired actions. Inspired actions are those actions that we feel good about and are beneficial not only to us but to others as well. The more inspired actions we take, the faster The Law of Attraction begins to deliver. The delivery might look like people who have similar mindsets or are interested in solving the same problem; people who support us along the way; and people who are willing to pay for what we are offering.
The Universe will simply deliver what I want when I want it
The Universe delivers indeed. Everything we want already exists, we simply have to become its match. This is how The Law of Attraction works. For example, if I want a Porsche, I should make sure that I can afford to buy the car and pay for its maintenance. Let’s say that I win that Porsche from a tombola, lottery, or other means. Technically speaking the Law of Attraction delivered my wish. But with my earnings today I will not be able to maintain it in the best way possible so it will not stay mine, because of the area I live in at the moment and I do not have a suitable garage to keep it in. So what are the chances for me to be able to enjoy that car?
Now let’s say that I am wealthy enough, I have got a house with a garage with a safe enough garage door. Of course, that means that I will have the money to keep the car safe from thieves and adverse weather. I will have the money for regular maintenance and I will be able to enjoy it. This is the true meaning of being in alignment with our wishes.
But for me to be able to buy that house, so I can have that car, I will need to increase my regular income to the respective level. To be able to increase my income, I need to change my mindset from a victim mindset to an abundance mindset. That takes work and time. From that point of view, we cannot expect to tell The Universe to deliver tomorrow.

Not taking responsibility for your decisions and actions
Our lives up to this moment are the result of our decisions and actions. As long as we do not take responsibility for them, we will live in a victim mindset. The moment we take responsibility for our decisions and actions, The Law Of Attraction starts to work for our benefit. For as long as we live in a victim mindset, The Law Of Attraction is still working, but to our detriment. Whether we like it or not, The Law Of Attraction is unstoppable.
Let’s say we live in a victim mindset and there is always something or someone to blame for the misfortune in our lives. We will continue to look outside of ourselves for someone or something to blame, and we feel disempowered. When we feel disempowered, we see no reason for us to take any action to improve our lives and we just get by. And this is still a decision and an action we take.
When we live in a winning mindset we do not blame anyone but rather look at what we need to learn and acquire as a skill, to prevent the same misfortune from happening again. Exactly through this process of learning and applying what we have learned, we start to experience personal growth and as time passes, we start to reap the fruits of the work we have put in.
Of course, at the beginning of the growth process, there is still the momentum of the victim mindset, but the more work we put into changing it the slower the momentum becomes until we turn everything around. That requires time and persistence, a lot of discipline, and dedication. No one has succeeded overnight. If we look at those, who have created real beneficial changes in humanity, they all have worked hard, behind the scenes.
So, if you want me to help you to build a winner mindset, book your session with me