What is spiritual awakening?
A lot of us are going through a spiritual awakening of recent. A lot of us have found the process hard, But what actually is spiritual awakening? I describe it as if I have been living in a cave all my life and I have found the exit. When I went outside, the light blinded me and I had to squint my eyes. But once I got used to the daylight, there was so much to explore. Just like Rapunzel from Untangled.
You see things in the distance but you do not know, actually, what they are. You know the words for them or at least some of them, but the world outside is so big and full of surprises. To top it off you do not know, what you are capable of. It is an adventure.
This is what the spiritual awakening is about. For us to see how vast, colourful and amazing the world around us is. It is for us to find out who we really are and what is our purpose. Our true purpose in life!
Who we are? We are love, compassion, and joy.
What is our purpose? Our purpose is to help others, through the products and services, we create and to consume other people’s products and services. Our purpose is to help humanity to live a better and more prosperous life, by doing our bit in the best way we know how.

Three reasons why spiritual awakening is hard
In my experience and the experience of my clients, I have found the following 3 reasons, that make the spiritual awakening journey hard.
The feeling of guilt and shame
Once we start the journey of spiritual awakening, we start seeing what we have done to ourselves and others. This is a real eye-opener. We understand how we have hurt ourselves. We see what pain we have caused to others around us. To see how, the lack of boundaries, self-love and self-respect, has diminished us. And that hurts. The emotional pain is unexplainable. It is so strong, that all we want is to hide somewhere for the rest of our days.
We have learnt to hide our emotional pain to be able to survive when we are kids. Now as adults, we continue to hide our emotional pain thinking that if we show it we will be seen as weak. Well, guess what – everyone has got emotional pain. Everyone has got some kind of trauma. The awakening process is to be able to look deep inside and to find the beauty that has been covered by the trauma and limiting beliefs.
We can go and ask others for forgiveness, but what about what we have caused to ourselves? We need to forgive ourselves too. But how can we make sure we will not repeat our mistakes? With awareness… This requires a lot of mental strength and questioning everything, that doesn’t seem true to us.
Losing your old lifestyle
Once we start going through a spiritual awakening, a lot of changes take place. If we have loved to party, now we like it but rather sit at home with a good book. If we have been really active shoppers, now we are losing interest and we buy only what we need. The earthly possessions
stop holding the importance, that they had once upon a time. But the biggest challenge, that we are really afraid of, is
“What shall I do with my life?”
This question pops up quite often because we are discovering that we have lived in a lie and we need to find our way to who we truly are and what life we want to live.
Not being understood by family and friends
The third change that happens in our lives, when we are on the journey of spiritual awakening, is that our family and friends do not understand what is happening to us. We are changing. We have changed, sometimes, way too much and they cannot handle it. Or rather, they do not how to handle us. The person, they once knew, is not the person in front of them now. That scares them, even repels some of them. And that is OK because:
“Anyone can meet you only as deep as they have met themselves”.
In my case, I went through a period when the vast majority of my friends left my life because they couldn’t understand why I didn’t want to get drunk with them. They couldn’t understand why I wouldn’t talk against other people. They couldn’t understand why my life choices have changed and I have become Plain Jane.
At the end of the day, how can Plain Jane be contemptuous of her life and find happiness in life coaching, meditation, reading books etc, instead of drinking, taking drugs and sleeping around….. WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER? She is not the fun friend, we used to know. The truth is I have realised who I am. I have started loving and respecting myself. I have become authentic!!!

Do not worry that you will end up on your own for the rest of your life. Eventually, you will find your tribe. You will find the people, who will understand and value you for who you are and will cheer you up for all your accomplishments. You will find the people, who will support you through your journey.
If you need help with your spiritual awakening journey, book your session with me