What are beliefs?
Beliefs are part of our everyday life. Each and one of us has got beliefs. Even those, who claim they do not believe, they still believe that they are right. Some of our beliefs keep us disempowered, others give us empowerment.
Some beliefs are helpful and others are hurtful. The way to distinguish which one helps and which one doesn’t is the way we feel about each one of them.

I had to do a lot of work on my disempowering beliefs and unlearn them, so I can step out of my small comfort zone and decide to start blogging.
Do I have disempowering belief, left in me? Of course. But the difference, between who I was before and who I am now, is huge.
The beliefs, that take away our power, unfortunately, tend to override the beliefs that make us feel better. The reason for that is that we have had them for much longer. Another reason that we keep on believing them is because, we think, they keep us safe. But what are we actually keeping safe from? Mainly authenticity, freedom, success, and happiness, Unfortunately, a lot of us do not know the real meaning of them.
So, without further delay, these are the 5 main disempowering beliefs:
I must avoid being negative, judged, or disliked
Believing that we always have to be happy and trying to avoid being judged and disliked is exhausting. Is it really possible to be liked by everyone, who crosses our path? It is not nice when we feel judged or disliked. But is it better to wear a mask and not be truthful to ourselves? Apart from the exhaustion, as time passes by, we feel misunderstood by everyone. This leads to mental health issues, depression, and anxiety. We feel trapped in a role, that is limited by others’ fears and demands.
Life is a balancing act. It is impossible to keep high spirits all the time. Obstacles and problems are there, to present opportunities for personal growth and learning how to navigate life. It is impossible for us to know, what we do not know. Through problems and obstacles, we find out what are our blind spots. This is how we become better.
I must succeed
What is success? Is it financial security or a loving partner and a happy family? Or probably making a change in the world? It is different for each one of us. Chasing success at any cost actually shows childhood trauma. And the question that needs to be asked is “Why?”. Chasing success means that we need to feel important, noticed, and valued.

My behavior today is because of my past
We all have a past. I used to live in the past and I used to blame my past for my behavior and the hurt I have endured. Now, after I transformed my mindset, my past is just a past. It doesn’t affect me, nor it defines me and I am looking forward to my future. Dropping the baggage from the past is such a liberating experience. It feels like a spring cleaning of the house. Dropping the past creates a winner from the victim. When the lessons are learned it is much easier to move on. We noticed that our relationships are better and the spark for life is much brighter
Someone else must take responsibility for me
Living in the victim mentality, allows us to pass on the responsibility of our life to someone else. At the end of the day, it is much less painful to blame someone else for our choices that to look at ourselves. Blaming others for our failures is less painful than taking responsibility and doing the work required.
Things must always turn out, as I expect them to be
When our expectations are not met, we feel lost. It is normal. We had the plan and the steps, and we knew what to expect. What happens when the plan doesn’t work? We panic. When we panic, we cannot see the solutions, that are available to us. And sometimes, taking a detour is not a bad thing. Unless we are late for a flight or a train. Taking a detour simply means, that there was something we need to learn. It could be academic knowledge, skill, or patience. Especially patience. The majority of us are becoming more and more unfamiliar with the concept of waiting.
Success requires a step-by-step process. Taking the lift is not an option. The reason is that we are not equipped with the knowledge and skills to deal with it if it is sudden.

Do you know someone, who wants to change their life? Point them to me to book their first session