Uncovering Your True Self and Finding Inner Peace
Many of us carry emotional wounds from our past that continue to cause us pain and hold us back in the present. Healing these wounds is essential for living a fulfilling and peaceful life. The path of spiritual awakening offers a profound way to achieve deep healing and transformation.
At its core, spiritual awakening is the process of discovering your true self beyond the ego and the wounds it carries. As the spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle said,
“The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it.”
By learning to observe your thoughts and emotions without judgment, you begin to dis-identify from them and connect with the eternal essence of your being. This is the space of pure awareness and deep inner peace.

Scientific research has shown that spiritual practices like meditation, mindfulness, and self-inquiry can literally rewire the brain, deactivating the amygdala which governs fear and activating the prefrontal cortex which is associated with higher reasoning and emotional regulation. Over time, this creates a new baseline of calm and resilience.
How to Get Started
If you’re ready to begin your healing journey, start with these steps:
- Develop a daily meditation practice, even if only for a few minutes. Focus on your breath and observe your thoughts and feelings without getting caught up in them.
- Practice self-compassion. Place a hand on your heart and talk to yourself like you would a dear friend who is hurting. Forgive yourself for any perceived shortcomings.
- Question your thoughts. When a painful memory or self-attacking thought arises, ask yourself “Is this absolutely true?” Investigate the validity of the thought and look for evidence to the contrary.
- Express your feelings through journaling, art, movement or sound. Give the wounded parts of yourself a healthy outlet and safe space to be seen and heard.
Witnessing the Ego – Navigating Resistance on the Healing Journey
As you embark on the path of spiritual awakening and healing, you may find yourself confronted with internal resistance. This resistance often comes from the wounded ego, the part of your psyche that has developed strategies to protect you from pain and maintain a sense of identity and control.
When you start to observe your habitual thoughts and emotional reactions with mindfulness, you shine a light on these unconscious patterns. The ego, which thrives on remaining in the shadows, can feel threatened by this increased awareness. It may try to distract you from your practice or convince you that it’s not worth the effort.
Common Forms of Ego Resistance
Ego resistance can take many forms. You may find yourself suddenly busy or preoccupied with other tasks when it’s time to meditate or journal. You may feel a sense of restlessness, boredom or irritation during your practice. The mind may generate thoughts like “This isn’t working,” “I’m not doing it right,” or “I’ll never heal.”
Another common form of resistance is spiritual bypassing, using spiritual concepts or practices to avoid facing uncomfortable emotions or life challenges. For example, prematurely claiming to have forgiven someone or reached enlightenment without fully processing your feelings or doing the necessary inner work.

Compassionately Confronting Resistance
When resistance arises, meet it with curiosity and compassion rather than judgment or frustration. Recognize that the ego is simply trying to protect you the only way it knows how. Thank it for its efforts, but gently remind it that you are safe and capable of handling whatever arises in the present moment.
Use the resistance as a sign that you’re getting close to something important. Often, the ego puts up the most fight right before a breakthrough. Trust that every challenge on the path is an opportunity to develop a deeper understanding and compassion for yourself.
Strengthening Your Commitment to Healing
To counteract the ego’s efforts to sabotage your practice, renew your commitment to your healing journey each day. Remind yourself why you started on this path and the benefits you’ve experienced so far, even if they seem small. Set a clear intention at the beginning of your practice and dedicate your efforts to the highest good of all beings.
Surround yourself with supportive people and resources to stay inspired and motivated. Read spiritual books, listen to uplifting talks or join a meditation group. Reach out for help when you need it, whether from a therapist, spiritual teacher, or trusted friend. Remember that you are not alone on this journey and that your healing benefits not only you but all those whose lives you touch.
With consistent practice and loving discipline, the voice of the ego will gradually get quieter and your true self will shine through more and more. You’ll begin to experience longer periods of peace, clarity, and connection. Trust the timing of your unfolding and keep showing up for yourself with patience and devotion. Healing is a spiral path, but each cycle brings you closer to the freedom and wholeness that is your birthright.

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”
In the words of author and teacher Jeff Foster,
“There is a presence, a silence, a stillness which is here by itself. There is no doer of it, no creator of this stillness. It is simply here in you, with you. It is the fragrance of your own self. There is nothing to do about this, it is naturally present. This fragrance of peace, this spaciousness, it is the fragrance of your own being.”
By connecting with this ever-present stillness at the core of your being, you’ll begin to experience the peace and wholeness that exists beyond the mind and its stories of woundedness. From this place of clarity and connection, your past hurts will naturally begin to heal and release their grip on you. Spiritual awakening is a journey of coming home to the truth of who you are. Welcome home.
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
Ready to heal your past and awaken to your highest self? Contact me for a free 30-minute discovery session to explore how spiritual coaching can support your journey.