How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs About Your Creativity

Do you believe you aren’t creative? Many people hold limiting beliefs that block their innate creativity. I still have limiting beliefs about my creativity. But I have realised that the truth is, that we all have immense creative potential waiting to be unlocked. With a few mindset shifts and practices, you can break free from beliefs holding your creativity back and allow your unique creative expression to flow.

Recognize Your Limiting Beliefs

The first step is becoming aware of the negative stories you tell yourself about your creativity. Common limiting beliefs include:
“I’m not a creative person.”
“I don’t have any original ideas.”
“I’m not artistic or imaginative.”

Write down the limiting beliefs you notice. Look for thoughts that make you feel incapable, unworthy, or blocked creatively.

Creativity concept

These beliefs have consequences that ripple through your life:

  • “I’m not a creative person” leads to avoiding creative activities and opportunities. You miss chances to discover and develop your creative gifts.
  • “I don’t have any original ideas” causes self-doubt and second-guessing. You stay stuck in indecision, never moving forward with projects or dreams.
  • “I’m not artistic or imaginative” creates a false self-image that limits your potential. You stay restricted in a narrow box instead of exploring the full spectrum of your abilities.

Your ego or inner critic may react with doubt, saying things like “This is silly, you’ll never be creative.” Or “Why bother? You have no talent.” Remember, these are just fearful parts of you. With compassion, you can heal them.

“You can’t rediscover the hot water but you can add your flavour to it.” – Emiliya Georgieva

Once you’re aware of your limiting beliefs and their consequences, you’ve taken the first step to freeing your creativity. Next, it’s time to consciously reframe them.

Reframe Your Beliefs

The beliefs you hold about yourself shape your reality. By changing your inner dialogue to an empowering one, you create space for your creativity to blossom.

For each limiting belief, write a positive affirmation. It is best if you use language that you feel comfortable with. For example:
“I am innately creative.”
“My imagination is vast and rich with ideas.”
“My unique creative expression is worthy and needed.”

Repeat these affirmations daily. At first, your inner critic may reject them. It will say things like “That’s not true, you’re lying to yourself.” Respond to your doubts with compassion. Affirm that you are re-training your mind for confidence and creativity.

Idea and creativity concept

Consistency is key. In time, you will start to naturally embrace your identity as a creative being. The benefits are immense:

  • Believing “I am innately creative” opens you to trying new creative pursuits. You say yes to opportunities to discover and express your unique gifts.
  • Embracing “My imagination is vast and rich with ideas” gives you the confidence to explore possibilities. You trust your creative instincts and boldly bring ideas to life.
  • Knowing “My unique creative expression is worthy and needed” empowers you to share your creations with the world. You release fear of judgment, understanding your perspective has value.

As your beliefs change, your creative potential will start to awaken. The next step is to develop practices that strengthen your creative abilities.

Cultivate Creative Practices

Like a muscle, creativity grows stronger with regular exercise. Small daily practices can profoundly increase your creative capacities over time.

Simple ways to build your creativity include:

  • Morning freewriting or stream-of-consciousness journaling
  • Sketching, doodling, or simple art-making
  • Taking a different route to work and observing your surroundings
  • Reading/watching/listening to content outside your usual interests

Start with 10-15 minutes per day. Focus on the process, not outcomes. There’s no right or wrong way, just creative play and exploration.

Each practice has powerful benefits:

  • Freewriting/journaling clears mental clutter and brings forth insights. It taps your inner wisdom and unblocks creative flow.
  • Sketching/doodling/art-making activates new neural pathways. It shifts you into a meditative state where fresh ideas can surface.
  • Taking new routes and observing surroundings expands your perception. Noticing details you usually miss prompts your mind to make novel connections.
  • Exploring content outside your interests stretches your knowledge and imagination. Engaging with diverse ideas cross-pollinates new creative possibilities.

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” – Maya Angelou

Your inner critic may judge your attempts or compare you to others. Remind it that you’re on a journey of growth. Every small practice is planting seeds that will blossom in time. With consistency, you will reap an abundant harvest of creativity.

Creative light bulb abstract on glowing blue background ,generative artificial intelligence

With awareness, empowering beliefs, and consistent practices, you will build an unshakable creative foundation. These practices combined create a positive feedback loop—the more you create, the more creativity flows through you. The last key step is having support to cheer on your creative unfolding.

Overcoming limiting beliefs about creativity is a transformative journey. Be patient and compassionate with yourself as you shift from limitation to creative liberation. Remember, your unique creative gifts are needed in this world.

As you free yourself from limiting beliefs, reframe your mindset, and engage in daily practices, you’ll find your creative potential is truly limitless. Embrace the adventure of discovering all that wants to be expressed through you.

If you want personal support to break through blocks and unleash your creative potential, I offer private creativity coaching online. In a safe space, we’ll dive deep to shift limiting beliefs at the root and ignite your innate creative fire. You’ll gain lifelong tools to access your creativity with confidence and share your creative magic with the world.

To learn more and book a free discovery call

Let’s unleash your creativity together!

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