What is Money?
Money is a means of exchange. We exchange money for goods and services we need and want. Money is a vital part of our everyday life. We use cash to pay for the electricity and gas we use. We pay for the food we are about to eat and the clothes we wear with cash. Money is a fantastic resource that needs to be in constant flow.

What is Spirituality?
Spirituality is the part of our life, that is connected to our souls. Spirituality helps us to understand how our emotions work and what we need for a peaceful and abundant life. There are a lot of misconceptions about spirituality. At least I found out that I had a lot of misconceptions. Mainly I got my impression from the films that those, who are spiritual, live in monasteries or all on their own in the woods. I thought, that spiritual people were with the fairies and knew nothing about how life should be lived. Oh boy, how mistaken I was.
Since I started practising meditation and stillness my life has been in a state of continuous change for the better. And in the beginning, I thought I made a huge mistake because my world started crumbling down. And I was afraid because everything I had built up to that point started falling into pieces. How I was supposed to live? A lot of things I held dear to my heart disappeared and I had to start building again, from scratch.
So, When one starts to practice spirituality, one’s world starts changing rapidly. And if the foundations of the old world have been false, the ground under one’s feet will shake. And it is scary. But this happens only for us to realise that our values and beliefs are not really connected to our hearts and souls.
How money and spirituality are connected?
In spirituality, there is great attention paid to the flow of energy. And of course, this is a perfectly normal focus to have. Almost everything in our lives revolves around finances.
“Everything flows, everything changes”
Greek proverb
Everything is energy. Everything vibrates.
We tend to perceive our world as solid but actually, because everything is made out of atoms and an atom is 95% or more energy. In that respect, money is energy too. If we allow this energy to flow we feel good. If we are stopping the flow of this energy, we feel almost blocked in other areas of our lives. Imagine we try to stop the river flowing into the ocean. It is almost inconceivable. It is impossible because the river will find a different way and it will reach the ocean, regardless of our efforts.

Speaking about misconceptions, I think there are a lot of misconceptions about money as well. All these misconceptions only keep us in a poverty mindset and do not help abundance to flow to us and through us.
Understanding how to keep the flow in constant movement is important. The poverty mindset creates a huge block not only with regard to finances but it creates control freaks of us. Once we are trying to have hold in one area of our lives, it begins to spill into the other areas. Before we know it we are feeling overwhelmed and stressed.
Common misconceptions about money
- Money doesn’t grow on trees – This is a common belief of people, who cannot see other available ways to build income streams
- Money is bad – This is another limiting belief of people, who have always struggled financially and cannot see a way out of this struggle
- I do not need money – Really? And how you will survive? This belief shows a much deeper-rooted belief that someone is helpless
- Money is the root of all evil – NO!!! The love of money is the root of all evil. The chasing of riches that will hurt others is the root of all evil.
- There is not enough money in the world – Yes there is! When we don’t hoard money but we put it to work, there is more than enough.
- Only chosen few can have financial abundance – Why not one of these few chosen is you? Can you see how this is another limiting belief?
- I have to keep on saving cash if I want a comfortable life in my old age – This is another limitation that has been imposed on us. The truth is that if we start investing, from a young age, into assets cash will flow abundantly towards us.
- Only greedy people have a lot of money – that is probably partially true but not completely. A lot of people who have solved problems or found solutions are rich too.
- The rich people are greedy – The rich people know how to manage money. They know how to operate with finances. Poor people usually do not.
- Being rich is bad – Do you hate the rich because you want to be one of them? If you do not hate the rich why do you believe that being rich is bad?
- Being rich is not a virtue – Why being poor is a virtue? When someone is rich, that person has got more resources to help those who do not. There will never be equilibrium but a little help goes a long way.
Just to name a few. But if we look at all these misconceptions, they have absolutely nothing to do with finances but with one’s attitude to it. Our attitude towards financial abundance depends on the way we live. When we live in fear we will believe that there is not enough for all of us, but if we live in abundance, then we believe that there is more than enough for each one of us.
Because I used to live with a scarcity mindset and that made me feel as if there is not enough to go around and actually lead me to keep on buying a lot of stuff, that I didn’t need or even want, but only for the sake of having things around me. Guess what? The more I was buying the less cash I had. Now I buy only what I need and what I really want…… and I can see having more and more funds in my bank account.

Having said that I have heard rev. Ike says that we have to treat money as a precious lover. Give thanks to it and appreciate it. And that was another practice I have adopted. Every time I pay I started saying “Thank you money”. I might look like a crazy lady but I do not care, because I can see the difference in the way money started flowing to me.
If you need help changing your attitude towards money book your session with me. Or if you have a scarcity mindset and you want to change it to an abundance mindset book your session with me
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