We all have limiting beliefs – those pesky negative thoughts that hold us back and convince us we can’t achieve our dreams. But what if I told you that you have the power within you to break free from these mental barriers? Visualisation and affirmations are two incredibly effective tools you can use to shift your mindset and start living to your full potential.
In this post, we’ll dive deep into understanding what limiting beliefs really are, how they impact us, and most importantly – practical techniques you can start using today to overcome them. By the end, you’ll be armed with a toolkit of mental exercises to rewire your thinking and create the confident, abundant life you deserve. Let’s get started!

What are Limiting Beliefs?
At their core, limiting beliefs are negative thoughts that we keep on thinking, constraining us and holding us back from going after what we want. They usually sound something like:
- “I’m not good enough”
- “I don’t deserve success”
- “It’s too hard, I’ll never make it happen”
We’ve all had thoughts like these cross our minds. But when we allow them to take root and become beliefs, they become major obstacles on our path to success.
These restrictive ideas create an invisible fence that keeps us trapped in our comfort zones. We avoid taking risks, pursuing opportunities, and putting ourselves out there because we’ve internally decided that we’re not capable, worthy or strong enough.
The ego loves to cling to limiting beliefs to protect us from potential failure and rejection. It would rather we stay small and safe. But as you’ll soon see, we have the power to break through these perceived limitations and reframe our thinking.
As spiritual teacher Abraham Hicks wisely said:
“A belief is only a thought you continue to think. A belief is nothing more than a chronic pattern of thought, and you have the ability -if you try even a little bit- to begin a new pattern, to tell a new story, to achieve a different vibration, to change your point of attraction.”
Our beliefs may feel solid and factual, but they’re really just habitual thoughts we’ve repeated over and over again. And that means we can choose to instil new beliefs instead. That’s where visualization and affirmations come in.

The Power of Visualisation
Visualisation is a potent technique for reprogramming your subconscious mind. It involves vividly imagining yourself achieving a goal as if it were happening right now. By mentally rehearsing your success in great detail, you start to shift your internal identity and expectations.
The reason visualisation works is that the subconscious mind can’t distinguish between something imagined and reality. It accepts what you repeatedly picture as the truth. The more you imagine yourself as the confident, successful person you want to be, the more your mind and body believe it’s possible and work to make it happen.
Here’s a step-by-step process for using visualization to break through a limiting belief:
- Find a quiet place where you can relax without interruptions. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.
- Identify a limiting belief you want to release. Feel into how it has held you back. Where do you notice it in your body? What thoughts and emotions come up?
- Now, imagine the opposite. If your limiting belief is “I’m not confident”, visualize yourself acting with deep inner confidence and self-assurance. If it’s “I don’t deserve love”, picture yourself accepting love and healthy relationships with open arms.
- Make this new self-image as vivid as possible by engaging all your senses. How are you carrying yourself differently? Standing taller? Making eye contact? Speaking up? What are you wearing? How do others respond to you?
- Allow yourself to fully feel the positive emotions of this new reality. Embrace the feelings of empowerment, freedom, peace and joy. Breathe into them and let them expand.
- Anchor this expansive state in your body with a physical gesture like touching your heart centre or pressing your thumb and index finger together.
- Return to this visualization often, at least once a day. The more you mentally practice embodying your most empowered self, the more you will begin to show up that way in your daily life.
You may notice your inner critic piping up with doubts and fears as you practice visualization. It says things like “this isn’t the real you” or “it will never happen.” This is normal. Acknowledge these thoughts without judgment and gently release them, returning your focus to the vision of your highest self.
Affirmations to Complement Visualisation
To amplify your visualization practice, you can add affirmations – short, powerful statements that assert who you want to be. Affirmations work by repetition, helping to reprogram your belief system over time.

The key to effective affirmations is to state them in the present tense, as if they are already true, even if they don’t feel fully believable yet. With enough repetition, your subconscious will start to accept them. Here are some examples:
- I am confident and capable.
- I courageously embrace new opportunities.
- My unique talents are of immense value.
- I lovingly welcome abundance into my life.
Choose affirmations that resonate with you and directly counter your limiting beliefs. Recite them while looking at yourself in the mirror. Put them on post-its around your home. Speak them just before going to bed so they imprint on your subconscious.
The ego will likely resist these affirmations at first. After all, they go against the negative self-image you’ve carried for years. It may scoff “You’re not really that confident” or “Abundance isn’t for people like you.” Meet this resistance with loving but firm conviction. Each time you choose to affirm your value, you loosen the grip of your limiting beliefs.
How Small Daily Steps Lead to Enormous Change
Shifting limiting beliefs is a gradual process. Established thoughts have a strong neural pathway in the brain. It takes consistent, daily effort to carve out a new route.
That’s why incorporating visualization and affirmations into your everyday routine is so important. These practices are like taking your subconscious to the gym. Each repetition is building your muscle of self-belief.
At first, you may only sense subtle changes in how you feel and act. But over time, through loving dedication to your mental exercises, you’ll see big external shifts take place.
You’ll speak up more at work. You’ll set firm boundaries in relationships. You’ll allow yourself to shine instead of hiding your gifts. You’ll take bold leaps towards your deepest desires instead of talking yourself out of them.
Be patient and compassionate with yourself in the process. Limiting beliefs often take root in childhood and have been with us for decades. Unwinding them is brave, sacred work.
Celebrate each courageous step, no matter how tiny. When you choose to visualise your best self or recite an empowering affirmation, even if it’s just for 30 seconds, you’re declaring to the Universe that you’re ready for more. And more will come.

Keep showing up for yourself, day by day, and you’ll be astonished at how expansive your life becomes. Old limiting beliefs will melt away and you’ll uncover the magnificent potential that was within you all along. You’ll realise that the only thing ever holding you back was a simple belief – and beliefs can always be changed.
Ready to Dive Deeper into Visualisation and Affirmations?
If you’re feeling inspired to transform your limiting beliefs but want some support and guidance, I’d love to help. Book a private online coaching session with me and we’ll dive deep into your unique blocks and goals. Together we’ll craft powerful visualisation exercises and affirmations to help you break through to your next level of confidence and success. Click on the button below to book your complimentary 30-minute session: