What is life coaching?
In essence, we are all life coaches. Our parents, grandparents, teachers, and bosses coach our way through life. What are the results is a completely different topic. Since we were born we have been coached in one way or another on what to do, how to do it and what to expect. Some of the coaching intentions are good and some are more manipulative, and selfish, but we have been coached nonetheless. So here we are, a product of our own thinking, combined with the beliefs, given to us throughout our lives and the skills we have been taught and acquired ourselves. Some of these beliefs and skills help us to stay alive. Some help us to move forward and some help us to self-sabotage ourselves and hinder the progress we desire.

According to Tony Robbins “The life coach definition is someone professionally trained to help you maximize your full potential and reach your desired results. They are like a supportive friend and a trusted adviser rolled into one. They’re someone who will push you to identify your goals, hold you accountable and provide encouragement throughout your journey to become a better version of yourself.”
“Life coaches complete extensive training that teaches them how to ask the right questions, communicate effectively and get to the heart of your needs and desires in life.”
We, as species, are hard-wired to avoid pain. Any kind of pain – physical, emotional. This has
been passed through the generations. We all know not to touch the hot stove because we can burn ourselves. We have been taught when we cross the street to look a few times at both sides, to make sure that there are no cars and that it is safe for us to cross.
But what about us failing and making mistakes? We have all experienced the emotional pain from them and to top it off, those who are our nearest and dearest shake their heads in disapproval and they tell us “I told you so!”
And that is where life coaching comes to play. There is no judgement, but accountability. The
coachee is not judged for lacking skills, but given support and direction to acquire the skills. The life coach, by asking specifically tailored questions, helps the coachee to identify hers or his strengths and weaknesses. And helps the person to get on the road and achieve their life goals. And let’s be honest we all have weaknesses and strengths, but we cannot see our strengths. It is much easier to see our weaknesses and shortcomings. That was definitely the case with me.

Having friends is good. Having friends who support you in your endeavours is great.
Unfortunately, not all friends have got the emotional space to be supportive. And, because our friends are emotionally involved, they do not want to see us hurt. Sometimes this is a good thing, because our friends can warn us about certain blocks we might run into. But sometimes our friends and relatives project their own fears onto us and that can hinder our progress into whatever area we want to advance.
When we go to a life coach for help, the life coach is not emotionally involved and that helps the life coach to take the role of an observer. The role of the observer is not emotional and can see the bigger picture and come up with different resources when needed. This is how the life coach helps us on our journey to achieve our goals.
In my work, as a life coach, so far I have seen people, who come with the expectation that I can solve their problems with a magic wand. When these people realised that they are the ones, who should do the work, they gave up because it is too much of an effort for them.

What results should you expect if you hire a life coach?
Working with a life coach helps you to create a unique blueprint for success. Regardless of whether the success is material or relationship or your personal development. The life coach helps you unpack your limiting beliefs and to install new beliefs, that are more beneficial to you. The life coach cannot create an overnight millionaire from you, but step by step will help you to lead a more fulfilled life. The main factor for success is, however, YOU. Your results are dependent on you and no one else.
Honesty and clarity are the main factors in achieving the results you desire. If you are not honest with your life coach or know at least a little bit about what you desire, the life coach will not be able to help you. And you might say that life coaching is not for you.
Putting in the work, that is required, is another element of your success. If you are not prepared to work on yourself, no desirable results will be seen.
If you want to achieve your goals book your first session with me