What is manifestation?
Manifestation is making our dreams come true. Of course, some dreams become true quicker than others. The speed of the manifestation, from a dream to becoming reality, depends on its size. The bigger and more tangible manifestation requires focus, work and persistence.
We can say that, for example, we want chocolate. It is really easy to go to the shop and buy chocolate. Here we see the desire, the action and the manifestation. First, we desire chocolate and we imagine eating that chocolate. But what happens if we do not have chocolate in our cupboard? We have to put a little bit of effort, to go to the shop and buy it. This is the action that is needed, to bring the manifestation into our reality. If we already have the chocolate in our cupboard we do not need to invest as much effort. However, the more effort we invest, the more satisfying the chocolate tastes.
Ways to manifest?
I believe that a lot of us have heard the phrase:
“If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand”
and we believe that all we have to do is keep that image in our minds and whatever we desire, will materialise in our world. And partially this is true. The desire to do something or to have something is a necessary step for the creation of the manifestation.
An inspired action is the next necessary ingredient. Not just any action. Why? You might ask. The answer is: if the action is not inspired we procrastinate, expect quick results, and overall we do not like, what we have to do, to bring the manifestation to fruition.
The third ingredient is time. Yes, I know you might hate me for that, but we need time to complete the whole process. We need time to learn, improve our skills and gain visibility in the world. That takes time, motivation, perseverance and a lot of patience. Time is the ingredient that helps us to align with our dreams and bring them into our reality because if we are not aligned with the manifestation, we will not be able to enjoy it.

Imagine that you want to be a multimillionaire, but you live on benefits and you do not have any knowledge or skills about how to be a multimillionaire. Even to be a multimillionaire we need knowledge and skills. So, for you to become one, you will need to start studying. After that, you need to start applying what you have learned. This process takes time, and you will need patience. Patience, to be able to complete it and bring this manifestation into your life.
That is why philosophers say that we need to keep our eyes on the final destination but focus on the journey. Because it is a journey. A journey of focus, work, self-improvement, persistence, trial and error, learning and gaining the necessary skills we need, and last but not least action.
The right way to manifest
The process of manifestation is relatively easy. However, we can self-sabotage ourselves during that process. Self-sabotage usually comes from our limiting beliefs, fears and unreasonable expectations. What do I mean?
For example, if you want to be a very rich person, but at this moment you are poor, with a lot of debt and really tired. I know being rich sounds really good and it means a lot of free time, a lot of holidays, a lot of shopping and a lot of parties. That sounds GREAT, doesn’t it? But the truth is it does come with a price. Often the price that we pay looks like losing the friends we have, receiving a lot of hatred from others, receiving a lot of jealousy, for our success. Another price that we have to pay is the price of personal growth, change in our view of the world, and dropping all limiting beliefs and fears, we have acquired throughout our life.
If you have a look at the images below, which are Maslow’s pyramid of needs and the vibrational chart, you can see how fears relate to our survival. When we are in survival mode, it becomes almost impossible to manifest a more fulfilled life. When we focus on our survival, we cannot see the opportunities in front of us.

Having said that, for the vast majority of people, the physical needs and safety needs have already been met to a satisfactory level. Then why we cannot manifest the life that we desire? The answer is, because of our subconscious. Our subconscious keeps track of all programming that we have received from our caregivers, teachers, TV programmes, media and so on.
How many of us can say that by watching mainstream media we feel worthy, loveable and good enough? I don’t think there will be that many. The reason behind that is that we are constantly being bombarded with messages like if you use this tool, lipstick, dress etc you will feel good. Which means that you do not feel good now. So the main question is; What are the deeper reasons why you don’t feel good now?
The good news is that these programs can be replaced with more helpful and beneficial ones. By replacing the programming, you have been living with, up until now, your vibration will rise. When your vibration rises, your needs will start changing. Your survival and safety needs will not be as strong and that will create space for the psychological needs to be satisfied. Once I help you remove the fear and the limiting beliefs, I will guide you, through satisfying the psychological needs. Once this is done, you will complete the transformation process and all that is left to do is to start enjoying the fruits of your efforts.
If you want me, to help you work on your limiting beliefs, remove the fears, and speed up your manifestation process, book your session with me