I have noticed, that there is a craze for opening the Third Eye chakra and improving intuition. Of course, we want to know what is good for us and what is not. Of course, we want to know who is coming to us with good intentions and who is not.
Intuition is great. Intuition is a good helper. Deciphering between intuition and fear is important. And the third eye chakra helps us.
However, intuition is easily available but it whispers. The fears that we are holding within us, are shouting louder than our intuition. Having these fears inside and opening our third eye chakra, can prove dangerous because then we become more chaotic in our actions. There is no order arising and we are scattering our energy.
Our energy is the most valuable resource and we need to cultivate it and protect it. This happens when we work on our fears and limiting beliefs and we understand what is draining our energy. Usually, the biggest leak of energy happens when we are afraid and we are on the lookout for dangers around us. When we are moving with conviction and feel safe in the world, energy flows freely to us, from us, and within us. There are no blockages.
When we do have blockages, our chakras become off balance.
What does it mean if the third eye chakra is out of balance?
- Feeling like your intuition does not exist
- Feeling like you are on your own
- Nature feels boring and bland
- Being judgemental
- Your imagination is almost non-existent
- When you wake up you feel tired because you cannot sleep or you cannot remember your dreams
All these are signs of unbalanced third eye chakra. And we want to feel better and do better. Fixing these issues is the main reason why we want to balance our Third Eye chakra. And this is fine. But what if we read online and follow all instructions and nothing happens?
What if, after forcefully we open our Third Eye chakra, everything in our life goes wrong?
Very few people give the right advice on this topic. Very few people know how the chakras work. So, I would like to give you some more information, hoping that it will spark your curiosity and you will start researching deeper into the subject and educate yourselves more.

Why you should not try and open your Third Eye Chakra?
I have done it!!! I have opened my Third Eye chakra forcefully. But I wasn’t ready and I didn’t know then. What happened? I started feeling dizzy. I had terrible headaches. My judgment about situations and people was constantly wrong and I felt awful. I felt exhausted. Truly a terrible mistake. And this is what this article is all about to show you my mistakes and save you from going through what I went through.
The chakras are energy vortexes. There are a lot of energy vortexes in each one of us. There are 114 chakras. Out of these 114 chakras, 7 are the main ones. There is a lot of information about the seven main chakras. We all have our physical body, our emotional body, and our energy body. All these 3 bodies are connected. It is really interesting when we distance ourselves and have a good look at the concept. Doctors are interested in the physical body but our emotions play a huge role in our physical body state and our energy levels. Our physical body influences our emotions and energy. Our energy influences our physical body and emotions.
I think it is wrong for us to look at one and not the rest. So in that context, looking after the chakras (energy body) only and not paying attention to our emotions and physical body will give us very limited results.
And we all shoot for the stars, aren't we?
So, if you really want to get all your bodies aligned and functioning, you need to start paying attention to what is happening to your physical body when you eat certain foods. You need to pay attention to your feelings and emotions, to keep the emotional body intact, And you need to pay attention to your energy levels to know if your chakras are under or overactive.
How to open your Third Eye chakra?
The seven main chakras are:
- Root Chakra
- Sacral Chakra
- Solar Plexus Chakra
- Heart Chakra
- Throat chakra
- Third Eye Chakra
- Crown Chakra
You should start balancing the chakras from the bottom up. From the root chakra, work your way up to the Crown chakra. Each one of the chakras is responsible for a different aspect of our life. For example, if we do not feel rooted and balanced (Root chakra) we cannot experience good self-esteem (Solar Plexus chakra) or we cannot be open to love truly (Heart chakra). If we do not feel confident (Solar Plexus chakra) we cannot express ourselves confidently and clearly (Throat chakra).

The first three chakras are responsible for our physical survival, while the top three chakras are responsible for our connection to ourselves and others. When we feel that our physical existence is threatened, we cannot think clearly or experience joy. We get stuck in survival mode. This is a normal reaction because we need to survive for as long as possible, and be healthy for as long as possible, so we can experience the best life has got to offer.
The more balanced, safe, and confident in our abilities we feel, the better our chakras are aligned. I think it is safe for me to say that the alignment of the chakras is heavily dependent on our mindset.
Once the bottom or first three chakras are open and balanced, it is easy to open and balance your Heart chakra. Once the Heart chakra is open the top three chakras open much easier and there will be no painful consequences. We start to express ourselves much clearer, we understand others’ intentions and our intuition is on point.
If you need help with your chakras, book your session with me