What is an affirmation?
Affirmations are the actions or processes of affirming something. They can be used as emotional support or encouragement for ourselves and other people.
Quite often it is much easier to uplift someone else and quite hard to uplift ourselves. Why is that? Because when we uplift others, we are not that emotionally involved or we can express support even if we do not believe that the outcome will be beneficial. However, when it comes to uplifting ourselves, we find it really hard. The reason is that the longer we live, the more undesirable experiences we have to endure. Some of these experiences are heartbreaking or really hard to overcome. Hence we find it harder and harder to believe that something good can happen to us and we are constantly on the lookout for the catch that we will have to pay attention to.
That is why a lot of our mind programming happened while we were kids. Kids do not have as many life experiences and it is easier, in order to protect them to give them as many warnings as possible. This practice starts to create a mindset that the child is not good enough, not capable enough, not strong enough, or not resilient enough. This manifests later on in life as fear or inability to take even small risks or even settling for much less than the individual deserves.

Why do we need affirmations?
Growing up in an environment, that was either too protective or critical, is really challenging on our self-esteem and ability to reach our goals and make real progress in life, even to succeed. Through using affirmations we build up our self-esteem, self-worth, and self-belief. And we need to believe in ourselves to be able to achieve our goals. We need affirmations to be able to receive graciously. We need to keep affirming to ourselves that we are enough, that we are good enough, and that we deserve whatever our heart desires.
Especially when we are going through a tough period in life, we need something to help us to go through it and affirmations are one of the helpers.

Words as affirmations
Did you know that every single time you talk about yourself you are affirming to yourself what you are? The words we speak about ourselves, show what we believe about ourselves. So if we speak negatively about ourselves, if we criticize ourselves, or if we cannot accept compliments, without downplaying it, it shows that we believe that we are not good enough and we do not deserve good things to happen to us.
“If you believe that you can or you believe that you cannot, you are right”
Henry Ford
At the end of the day, our beliefs create our life. And beliefs are not something we are born with. Beliefs are given to us. The main beliefs, we have are given to us during our childhood and we will carry them with us until the day we die, unless we decide that they do not serve us anymore and we have to change them.
The first change we have to make is the way we talk to ourselves and about ourselves. Unfortunately, the memories we remember, mostly, are connected to negative experiences we have. The brain’s main function is to protect us from harm and to keep us alive. That is why we are always on the lookout for danger and we feel afraid. But this can change. We can change it by talking to ourselves gently, calmly, and uplifting

If you need help, changing the way you talk to yourself book your session with me